Concept design, Art Direction, Script writing, Campaign design

Tervemenoa maailmalle
A customer called: "Emergency! Drop everything – meet me in an hour!" The now-previous agency had made "great promotional films". But there was a little problem: nobody understood them, so understandably sales were less than brilliant.

We checked the earlier material at warp speed. There was not much usable stuff. The Plan: clarify, simplify and harmonize the message. Make the offers, messages and tone more straightforward. Say one thing at a time. No gimmicks. Clear Finnish. A more commercial angle was required – no arty or farty quirks. More deals, offers and sales. A new top-level concept and visual approach were created. The campaign was multi-channeled to all media.

The customer thanked profusely for our effective operations and results. According to the survey, the campaign broke the bank with all meters! Lesson: It usually helps if you tell people what you offer and what they should do…
CHECK THE VIDEO below for results.

Tervemenoa maailmalle -tulokset
Jussi Löytökorpi, Janne Vahvaselkä, Hanna Martikainen